Siddesh Shinde

707 Continental Circle, Mountain View, CA 94040.

I am a technology enthusiast who likes to use technology for social well-being. Following technology trends and expressing my views over it is my everyday activity. I love challenges before me and keep experimenting new things in different areas. Currently working as a Software Developer at Cohesity Inc, Data Platform team, San Jose. I graduated from the department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University in 2018. I was a part of File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL) and involved in research projects under Prof Erez Zadok. Prior to my masters, I have worked for two years on mobile and wireless systems. I was part of “Boot & Security” team at Qualcomm where I contributed security features for mobile phones. I have also worked on the wireless communication (WiFi/BLE) enabled IoT devices at Marvell Technology Group.

Apart from being a software developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I enjoy hiking, travelling and listening to music. When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements.

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